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Print media (newspapers primarily, but magazines as well) serves as one of the most accessible forums for your viewpoint available. The following tables provide some useful contact information for both Missouri and national print media outlets, followed by some practical guidelines on how to get your message into print as often as possible, whether as a letter-to-the-editor or even an opinion editorial (op-ed) piece.
MISSOURI PRINT MEDIAPlease check out your own area for newspaper and magazine contact info and send it to moccw@bigfoot.com, using "MEDIA" as your subject line. Thanks! |
Ms. Christine Bertelson St. Louis Post-Dispatch 900 North Tucker Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63101-1099 314-340-8387 Email: letters@pd.stlnet.com |
Editorial Page Editor St. Louis Watchman Advocate 200 South Bemiston, #201 St. Louis MO 63105-1915 314-725-1515 |
Mr. Rich Hood The Kansas City Star 1729 Grand Boulevard Kansas City, MO 64108-1458 816-234-4421 http://www.kcstar.com/opinion/opinion.htm Email: letters@kcstar.com |
Mr. Robert Leger The News-Leader 651 Boonville Avenue Springfield, MO 65806-1005 417-836-1113 Email: nleditor@mail.orion.org |
Mr. Mark Sheehan St. Joseph News-Press 825 Edmond Street St. Joseph, MO 64501-2737 816-271-8570 |
Editorial Page Editor Hannibal Courier-Post 200 North 3rd Street Hannibal MO 63401-3504 573-221-2800 |
Mr. Clair Goodwin The Joplin Globe 117 East Fourth Street Joplin, MO 64801-2302 417-623-3480 x7279 Email: aostmeyer@joplinglobe.com |
Editorial Page Editor The Daily Journal 1513 St. Joe Drive Park Hills. MO 63601-2402 573-431-2010 |
Editorial Page Editor Columbia Daily Tribune 101 North 4th Street Columbia MO 65201 573-815-1500 Email: cdteditor@trib.net |
The Columbia Missourian Email: drew@digmo.org |
The Examiner Email: jfox@examiner.net |
The Lebanon Daily Record Email: new-ericc@lebpub.net |
The Missouri Digital News Email: mail@mdn.org |
The Southeast Missourian Email: jsullivan@semissourian.com |
The Times Newspapers Email: mailbag@timesnewspapers.com |
"Letters to the Editor" provide citizens with the opportunity to comment on articles and editorials appearing in their local newspapers. (CLICK HERE for sample letters-to-the-editor.) Studies show that people read the "Letters to the Editor" section of newspapers more than they read the editorials by journalists! Moreover, "Letters to the Editor" are widely read by community leaders and lawmakers to gauge public sentiment about current issues in the news. Here are some helpful guidelines to follow when crafting your "letter to the editor."
Include your name, address, and telephone number. Papers often call to verify authorship. Newspapers will not print anonymous letters.
Letters should never exceed one page. State the purpose of your letter in the opening paragraph and stick to that topic. If your letter pertains to a specific article or editorial, identify it accordingly. Try to keep your letter under 125 words. Always adhere to the paper's guidelines, which should be clearly stated on the editorial page of the paper.
Mentioning documented studies and statistics in your letter will enhance its effect, but don't overdo it! Your message can become lost in a sea of figures, but never make a statement that you can't back up with hard figures. Quoted figures should come from sources you trust, but the letter should be written in your own words. Avoid name-calling and insults.
Stick to debates going on right now. Respond promptly to anti-gun stories and editorials. Write in support of pending pro-gun legislation or against pending anti-gun legislation.
Most publications receive more letters than they can print, and will often print one letter that is representative of others. Most importantly, keep trying! Unpublished letters are still read by the editors, and can help them determine which topics should receive more attention.
Today's Date
Letters Editor
Name of Paper
City, State Zip
Your Name
Phone Number
Dear Editor:
As a subscriber to (Name of Paper), I'm writing in response to "(title of article)" which you ran (date article appeared). I feel compelled to encourage your editorial staff to report objectively on legislation allowing law-abiding citizens to obtain a permit to carry a firearm for self-defense. If courts are unwilling to confine violent criminals, we should at least allow law-abiding citizens the right to defend themselves and their families.
I further implore you to challenge those who claim that such a law will cause a surge in the state's crime rate. That is simply not the case. Such instances have not occurred in other states that allow their citizens to carry firearms for self-defense. Most notably, since adopting its right to carry law in 1987, Florida's homicide rate has decreased by 22% while the national rate has increased 27%.
The time has come for Missouri to allow decent, law-abiding citizens who work hard and pay their taxes, to have the option to carry a firearm for self-defense should they choose to do so. Anything less than that is not only wrong, but flat out dangerous.
Your Name
Similarly, opinion editorials (Op-Eds) are a vehicle by which citizens can make extensive comments on articles, editorials and policies. (CLICK HERE for sample Op-Eds.) Like Letters-to-the-Editor, Op-Eds are placed on the editorial page and have the ability to reach a large audience. When writing an Op-Ed, be sure to keep your piece concise and include specific information. The average length of Op-Eds that are printed is between 400-800 words long. Check with your local paper concerning length requirements. Generally, you will have a much better chance of having a "Letter-to-the-Editor" published than an Op-Ed, but this shouldn't discourage you from submitting Op-Eds!
Although letters to the broadcast media will not be seen by the general public, they can help influence the programming of a particular station. Local radio and television stations compete for listeners and viewers, which means their programming must cater to the needs of their broadcast audience. If you complain about anti-gun programming, they'll see that as lost viewership or listenership, and therefore, lost advertising dollars. Likewise, if you thank them for pro-gun programming, they are more likely to continue to air even more programs that portray gun ownership in a positive light. Here are some helpful guidelines to follow when crafting your letter to the broadcast media:
Stations will be listed under "Radio Stations" or "Television Stations"
Include your name, address and telephone number.
Call the station to obtain his/her name and official title.
If your letter refers to a particular story, always identify it by the date and time it aired, as well as who reported it. Cite documented statistics and facts to back up your objection to anti-gun stories.
Too often, we are not given the opportunity to refute anti-gun stories in the media. Let the station manager know that you want to hear both sides of the story. (See contact info and links in the table at the very bottom of this page.)
Remember, don't limit yourself to only letters of complaint. Many radio talk shows are sympathetic to the rights of law-abiding gun owners. A friendly letter of thanks simply needs to mention that you find the show lively, entertaining, and informative. Mention that you listen often and hope that they will continue broadcasting similar programs which realistically portray private gun ownership and typical firearms owners in a positive light.
For further information,
visit our website at http://www.moccw.org/
or send email to .
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