Do YOU want to regain your right in Missouri to effectively protect your own life and your family outside your home? To achieve that, you need to be able to make your case clearly and convincingly, whether talking one-on-one to your next door neighbor or trying to get your viewpoint published in the Kansas City Star. You probably feel very comfortable talking with your neighbor; this guide is intended to provide sound advice on how to prepare to be an effective advocate for this important issue when dealing with the media.
Few issues are more misunderstood by the general public than the issue of "gun control." Many of the commonly held misconceptions result directly from the media's often skewed coverage of this issue. Letters to local newspapers, radio and television stations to protest biased coverage of firearms-related issues can help influence the media's presentation of this subject, as well as inform the public of the facts supporting of our position. Keep in mind that your letters do not always have to be negative. If you see a positive story relating to gun ownership, contact the media outlet to thank them and encourage them to keep up the good work!
MEDIA CONTACT REFERENCE GUIDESThese guides, developed for print, radio and television, will help you contact the various media around the state and nation to express your views regarding "Right to Carry" (or any firearm-related issues), but bear in mind that they're far from complete, and for some areas may be out of date as well. Please email us with corrections or additional contact information from media within your own area (please use "MEDIA" as the subject line). |
PRO-FIREARM INFORMATION RESOURCESWhether you're looking for reliable, on-topic data to strenthen your own pro-gun viewpoint in a letter-to-the-editor or a second source to refer your local TV anchor to for balanced reporting, these folks can help you... a lot. They're good at what they do because... well, it's what they do. |
National Rifle Association - NRANRA Grassroots Division |
Missouri Sport Shooting Association - MSSA(State Ass'n. for NRA, CMP and USA Shooting) |
Missourians for Personal Safety - MPS(Grassroots MO CCW Campaign Committee for MSSA,
WMSA, and numerous other MO groups and individuals) |
Gateway Civil Liberties Alliance - GCLA(Independent Eastern Missouri area gun-rights
activist group) |
Western Missouri Shooters Alliance - WMSA(Independent Kansas City area gun-rights activist
group) |
And one of the very best informational resources available is our very own MPS Bibliography and Bookstore! |
For further information, visit our website at or send email to .