Press Releases related to Proposition B

Open letter to Missouri voters from medical professionals: 4/2/99

Opponents caught in lie with illegal Uzi ad - agree to pull it - then keep showing it! 3/27/99

Legal opinion on illegal Uzi ad 3/29/99

Top 5 Misleading Statements of the Opposition 3/29/99

"THE NUMBER YOU HAVE DIALED IS NOT IN SERVICE…" U.S. Attorney Dowd shuts down taxpayer-paid anti-Prop B 800 number 3/29/99

Pro Sports Organizations Misled by SSWW, 3/25/99

MAC Reponse to Sports Teams opposition to Prop. B

“No on B” Misfires #1 (A continuing series…)

State Farm does NOT oppose Prop. B

Missouri Union of Law Enforcement AFL-CIO IUPA (MULE) Supports Prop. B

Anheuser-Busch supports Proposition B

St. Louis Police Officers Assn. Supports Prop. B

MAC Seeks More Detailed Ballot Language on Proposition B


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